IT’s Been Awhile

F. Vivas
3 min readJun 8, 2020

Hello world! I’m back! I haven’t written since when?…2017!! Geez WTH!? I honestly forgot why I stopped writing here. (I think it was something with Medium staring to charge for publishing, idk.) Anyways, even though I only had 5 stories to tell, I still missed it. My ramblings and my thoughts at times need to be expressed in ways that always ends up in writing. Does anyone else feel that way too? I haven’t given up on writing though! Not by I long shot, if anything I’ve been at college taking creative writing courses and will most likely share some of my projects with you guys.

Anyway, it’s June 2020 and lord what a year for the history books. I can’t believe the things that have occurred within this year, Covid-19, the protests in the US, SpaceX first commercial fight, and there’s more to come. (I’m sure of it) But don’t let this overwhelm you reader, sometimes change occurs in the least predictable ways. You will get through this, hell, you’re here today reading this no? Funny thing about this year is that, in the midst of all that is happening you can stand still,…. listen and watch…the future is happening.

Crazy right? Yeah it normally is like that. I’ve seen a lot of things change in my life this year. Sadly even the people that I’ve spent so much time with have a certain type of change in them. It’s scary for me because I’m not sure if the change in these people may alter the future for me. The feeling is like you trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle with your friends and when you first stared you didn’t think 1,000 pieces was too much but then your friends leave and you’re left with so many pieces by yourself. You’re left to imagine things by yourself. But don’t look at it as depressing state, this is your time to think. Self-meditate, look at yourself and understand that you can control your future. Take this time to learn new things. Know that you’re not solving a jigsaw puzzle, you’re solving that old question of “What is the meaning of life?”.No one will know the answer but you! And no, it doesn’t matter what religion or beliefs you have, in the end of it all, you will be asked that question and you’ll always have the right answer. What is life? ME. YOU.

Deep breath in and breath out. We got this guys. Chin up. Like I’ve said before, I’m looking forward to sharing some stuff I’ve been working in school with the everyone and hope to delight someone’s days.

Finally, I really hope you’re doing well today reader. I leave you with a picture of Ximending’s famous road in Taipei. Until next post. (Which will be soon promise)

I was suppose to go here this May but thanks to Corona, I didn’t. :(



F. Vivas

I live with my three pooches. A pug and 2 mixed dogs. Love futbol. Dogs are cool but People are colder.